A destination that is worth reaching requires a proper map. And achievement that is worth something requires DRIVE:

Here are some useful tips designed to help you prepare for your journey, & help you along the way.

CHANGE GEAR: Do not abandon your journey at the first hurdle. Step into another gear.
USE YOUR FOG LIGHTS: Sometimes you lose clarity (“can’t see the woods for the trees”). Refocus your efforts and remind yourself “where I started, where I was trying to get to, and why I wanted to get there”. Keep others in the picture. They can probably help.
DON’T FORGET YOUR SEAT BELTS AND AIRBAGS: It might be a bumpy ride and unpredictable things will (predictably) happen along the way. Be prepared. Protect yourself, but do not allow the potential change to prevent you from completing your journey. Some risks are necessary.
USE YOUR WINDSCREEN WIPERS: You need clear vision. Keep an eye on where you are heading rather than getting side-tracked by the fleck of dirt on your windscreen
KEEP YOUR DISTANCE: Look at the road ahead instead of concentrating on the one car (obstacle) in front of you.
OIL & WATER:Keep yourself alert and in shape. Recharge your batteries and don’t overdo it. Get in training for a demanding journey. Concentrate. Do not fall asleep at the wheel.
RADIO: Ensure that the journey is entertaining. You are more likely to succeed if you enjoy it
TRAVEL LIGHT: Don’t overburden yourself. Take only what you need and leave the rest behind. Know what is truly important and keep reminding yourself of this.
HANDS FREE & CUP HOLDERS: Make the journey as comfortable as possible and as difficult as necessary. If it is too easy, you lose concentration and end up in a ditch. If it is too difficult it will only frustrate and tire you. Do not expose yourself to unnecessary danger when it is possible to anticipate problems and take steps in advance to avoid them
MOTORWAY RECOVERY: Have a good support network at your disposal. Do not assume you will be able to do it all on your own. Do not be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
RETURN JOURNEY: Ask yourself “Do I need to go back or can I carry on?” If you need to go back to where you started your journey what will you be able to take back with you? What will you have gained from the journey that was useful and relevant?